Wednesday, August 19, 2015

random thinking at 20:21pm

Its 20:21pm. I just got in the train, heading home. Yup, just came back from office. On the possitive side, I like going back home slightly late, as the train will not be full, and i can have my me-time. Hehe. You know, when the train is so packed, u hardly can do anything productive, cant even reach my handphone from my handbage neither. SOO JAMMED, and SOO WAITING TO PASS OUT ANYTIME. Mama is so cute, she gave me this small bottle of citrusy liquid thing, so if i fèel so goin to pass out, i smell that to feel better. Thanks mummy!

Oh well, not fair to complain too coz i can drive if i want, but i chose not to. So sabar je la naik train kan. 

Hrmm, reflection.


Work as always.. so demanding, and in this position that im holding, theres new requirements and expectations that i need to manage. Its a mixed feeling, but im trying my very best. At the same time, some other companies (haha how did they get my number i dont know) are calling me up, offering me really good work package...and making me think.hehe. though i declined, but i love asking back how did they recognise me, and what was my strength that they are offering such offer,haha. So its nice to hear some good stuffs about you that people appreciates. 


Now that im kl based, its good about everything. I see my parents and sister daily, and the rest of my big family ALWAYS. So its just so easy to recognise if my cousins baby got a new mosquito bite/new teeth..ect. 


So far so good, am very proud of myself actually. Hehe. Boleyla survive. 


Most of my time spent are family and work oriented. But i make time for my close friends of course. can do some improvement on this,hehe. 


I need a new hobby for sure. Travelling/holidaying is one, but i need to have another one that can excite me daily.  Reading and watching tv is not my thing now. What lah.

Ok thats for now, battery already kong. Lol.

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