Wednesday, February 4, 2015

one thing at a time

My work to-do-list is crazy. My brain is like working non stop, with no standby basis. (Prasan). The list goes on and on and ooooonnnnnnn. Like.. when will it stop?? Haha. Oh please, one free day please. Calendars full. Im fully booked. Oh man....#imsoimportant

ONE THING AT A TIME, my mantra these days.

Completed one job, then happily striked one to-do list item off, then 1 minute after, or maybe 1 second after, adds another one. Gosh, what is going on?

Cray2. Sobs.

Prioritize everything, but seems nothing cant wait. All equally important. 

As much as i love to complete everything, i still make sure that my needs are sorted out. Good food..Oh, and my drinks too. heh. 

Work hard, be happy.

Or maybe

Be happy, and work hard.
