Monday, November 30, 2015

Wiping Floors

Wiping Floors

So i have a new routine on weekends, and that is wiping floors with a cloth, USING MY HAND.

Bye bye mop. This way is better.

*Proud Domestic Goddess Face*

From bedrooms, stairs, every floor in my house. 

and then, i sweat like OMG. So its 2 in 1. Burn calorie+cleaner house. Yahooo.

puas hati. Hrmm, let see how long i cam survive doing this. Bahaha.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

random thinking at 20:21pm

Its 20:21pm. I just got in the train, heading home. Yup, just came back from office. On the possitive side, I like going back home slightly late, as the train will not be full, and i can have my me-time. Hehe. You know, when the train is so packed, u hardly can do anything productive, cant even reach my handphone from my handbage neither. SOO JAMMED, and SOO WAITING TO PASS OUT ANYTIME. Mama is so cute, she gave me this small bottle of citrusy liquid thing, so if i fèel so goin to pass out, i smell that to feel better. Thanks mummy!

Oh well, not fair to complain too coz i can drive if i want, but i chose not to. So sabar je la naik train kan. 

Hrmm, reflection.


Work as always.. so demanding, and in this position that im holding, theres new requirements and expectations that i need to manage. Its a mixed feeling, but im trying my very best. At the same time, some other companies (haha how did they get my number i dont know) are calling me up, offering me really good work package...and making me think.hehe. though i declined, but i love asking back how did they recognise me, and what was my strength that they are offering such offer,haha. So its nice to hear some good stuffs about you that people appreciates. 


Now that im kl based, its good about everything. I see my parents and sister daily, and the rest of my big family ALWAYS. So its just so easy to recognise if my cousins baby got a new mosquito bite/new teeth..ect. 


So far so good, am very proud of myself actually. Hehe. Boleyla survive. 


Most of my time spent are family and work oriented. But i make time for my close friends of course. can do some improvement on this,hehe. 


I need a new hobby for sure. Travelling/holidaying is one, but i need to have another one that can excite me daily.  Reading and watching tv is not my thing now. What lah.

Ok thats for now, battery already kong. Lol.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

next travel

I had a big breakfast this morning, accompanied by my dear friend, Ogy.  She already had her breakfast, so it was only me eating. Twas good catching up.

We talked about fun stuffs. Travel and gossips. 

And now making me thinking where to go next.


Mum aka CEO of our company is telling me to focus on our other projects, so i should be saving money for the time being. And should be using my free time to think bout our other projects.

Buttt, i manage to negotiate to go somewhere nearer.

I just need to go for a vacay.

I miss this spot. Our daily route from our hotel to Shibuya Station.

So after Japan, where next?

I just love thinking about this.

Dream mode on


Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Tummy

My tummy must be very happy today. Had nasi dagang for breaksfast, nasi ayam kukus for lunch, and since its friday, Mama might cook something special tonight.

Im still inside the train while writing this. And im so happy that i get to chow home early today from work. And got so many things settled, thus doublecheeriosss. 

Hello daylight!!Long time no see.

Have a great weekend, Widya! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

one thing at a time

My work to-do-list is crazy. My brain is like working non stop, with no standby basis. (Prasan). The list goes on and on and ooooonnnnnnn. Like.. when will it stop?? Haha. Oh please, one free day please. Calendars full. Im fully booked. Oh man....#imsoimportant

ONE THING AT A TIME, my mantra these days.

Completed one job, then happily striked one to-do list item off, then 1 minute after, or maybe 1 second after, adds another one. Gosh, what is going on?

Cray2. Sobs.

Prioritize everything, but seems nothing cant wait. All equally important. 

As much as i love to complete everything, i still make sure that my needs are sorted out. Good food..Oh, and my drinks too. heh. 

Work hard, be happy.

Or maybe

Be happy, and work hard.


Friday, January 16, 2015

The Siren

The Siren

Towards the end of 2014, Abah got sick. We were so worried, and scared at the same time. 

Throwback Few Years Back, hehe

But very blessed to be surrounded by our very strong support system..individuals around us who helped us all the way during the critical time. Which i will always include inside my prayers for God to bless them the very best of everything, insyaAllah. 

We welcomed 2015 with the sound of the siren, with me and adik inside the ambulance, to another hospital.

Mixed feeling.

Now that abah is recovering, all i can express is syukur, alhamdulillah.

Thank you everyone for the doa and prayers for Abahs speedy recovery.

Give us great health Ya Allah, ameen.
